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Arboros Dragon, Branch (BT08/064EN) [Blue Storm Armada]

Arboros Dragon, Branch (BT08/064EN) [Blue Storm Armada]


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Rarity: Common
Set Name: Blue Storm Armada
Card Number: BT08/064EN
Release Date: TBA
Unit: Normal Unit
Grade: 1
Skill Icon: Boost
Nation: Zoo
Race: Forest Dragon
Clan: Neo Nectar
Power: 7000
Shield: 5000
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: Dragons are the closest clan to the source of all magic.
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named "Arboros Dragon, Ratoon" in your soul, this unit gets [Power] +1000. [AUTO]:When a card named "Arboros Dragon, Timber" rides this unit, if you have a card named "Arboros Dragon, Ratoon" in your soul, choose one of your rear-guards, search your deck for up to one card with the same card name as that unit, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.
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